The Industry’s Leading Event in Europe to Accelerate Therapeutics to Market by Expediting R&D, Improving CMC Efficiency, and Building New Partnerships
Access new data & case studies from world-renowned speakers and companies across the entire landscape of oligonucleotides, peptides, mRNA, drug delivery and partnering strategies -- from discovery to market, with an emphasis on the European region.
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Call for Speakers
Submit your speaker proposal by 5 April
We are looking for presentations in the following topic areas:
- Oligo Discovery, Preclinical & Clinical Case Studies
- Oligo CMC and Manufacturing Case Studies
- Peptide Discovery, Preclinical & Clinical Case Studies
- Peptide CMC and Manufacturing Case Studies
- mRNA: Discovery to Clinic, Analytical, CMC Case Studies
- Genome/Base/Prime Editing: Discovery to Clinic, Analytical, CMC Case Studies
- Novel Drug Delivery/LNPs for Oligos, Peptides, mRNA, Genome Editing
- Regulatory/Quality Strategies for Oligos, Peptides, mRNA and Genome Editing
- Formulations and Drug Product Development Case Studies
- Analytical Development Case Studies
Cross-fertilize Ideas and Best Practices with Industry Experts Across Multiple Discipline Areas.
The TIDES Europe 2023 hybrid program features scientific tracks covering in-depth development strategies, trends and technologies across the entire oligonucleotide and peptide spectrum and areas of focus below.
Oligonucleotide Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls
Comprehensive CMC, analytical, manufacturing and regulatory strategies for both drug substance and drug product to accelerate oligonucleotide product development.
Oligonucleotide Discovery, Preclinical and Clinical
Design oligonucleotides with better drug-like properties to accelerate your products to the clinic and to market. The latest preclinical and clinical updates to benchmark your research and improve your clinical efforts.
Peptide Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls
Improve process efficiencies and overcome challenges in process development, CMC and manufacturing. Understand regulatory expectations, new technologies and alternative approaches for emerging complex molecules.
Peptide Discovery, Preclinical and Clinical
Explore new frontiers in peptide synthesis, discovery, design and engineering to improve targeting, delivery and drug-like properties. Case studies on the latest preclinical and clinical successes of peptides and peptide-like scaffolds and structures.
mRNA Therapeutics and Genome Editing
Hear updates on discovery strategies, clinical progress and CMC approaches for mRNA therapeutics and vaccines from industry-leading companies
Macromolecular Drug Delivery
Learn about the latest technologies and approaches to overcome the delivery challenges of oligonucleotides, peptides, mRNA and other macromolecules and discover new delivery strategies for genome editing

Big Waves at TIDES Europe 2023
TIDES Europe 2023 featured 100+ Sessions from 100+ leaders in oligonucleotides, peptides, mRNA, genome editing and more! With 600+ attendees, thank you for making 2023 the biggest TIDES Europe event yet. See you next year in Hamburg!
Whether you're increasing your company profile, launching a new product or focusing on new business development opportunities, collaborate with us to identify custom solutions to help you reach your goals.
To begin building your custom sponsorship package today, contact:
Companies #, A-F: Jennifer Wickett,
Companies G-Z: Michael Moriarty,

TIDES China Research Survey
The TIDES team is exploring the feasibility of running digital & in-person events in China for companies working in oligonucleotides, peptides, mRNA, genome editing (or delivery of any of these modalities). If you are interested in the TIDES market in China and/or have contacts in your network who are, please complete this short survey and we will be sure to keep you updated on our China plans.