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Structured Commodity Finance
2020 TBC
2020 TBC

Harness volatility and identify opportunity

Meet traders, producers and lenders at London's biggest summit for structured commodity finance.

2019 at a glance

50+ Industry Speakers

Find out what's happening from those making the deals!

150+ Attendees

Don't miss out on meeting key industry figures from across the industry!

80% + Deal Makers

Meet the decision makers!

Gain Vital Insight on New Trends and Key Markets

Protect Your Margins

With pricing information being more widely accessible and compliance costs rising, margins for traders and financiers are narrowing. Soon structured commodity finance may no longer be feasible. 

Tech may well be part of the problem, but can it also be part of the solution?

Commodity Market Trends & Opportunities

  • What key geopolitical trends in 2019 will shape commodity finance?
  • Are supply chains relocating because of the US/China trade war?
  • What are the big new markets to look out for?

Understand Industry Developments in SCF

  • Has commodity financing become more restrictive or are we seeing more specialised structured and products?
  • Are there new requirements faced by traders from clients and suppliers?
  • How can traders support them instead of banks to secure transactions and ensure access to supply and distribution?