Tax & Estate Planning 2024
11 June 2024
Venue TBCLondon
11 June 2024
Venue TBC,

Estate Planning 2024

The 2024 budget - urgent action needed!

Join us in London to explore the consequences of the 2024 budget: estate planning, offshore settlements, end of the remittance bases, abolition of domicile as a connecting factor and more

Join us for a full exploration of the consequences of the 2024 budget

Hear from our panel of renowned experts on how clients may be affected by the recent changes and what you need to do to best prepare them for 2025 deadlines!

2024 agenda highlights

Curated by Patrick C Soares (Field Court Tax Chambers), the second instalment of our tax seminars will cover how a range of clients may be affected by the abolishment of the non-doms regime. Topics include:

  • What happens when domicile ceases to be a tax connecting factor
  • The IHT excluded property regime and the budget
  • What now for Golden Trusts?
  • New reliance on the SRT regime
  • IHT planning under the new regime & non-settlor interest trusts
  • Ending the existing regime for income tax and capital gains - the disturbing of the tax code
  • Transitional reliefs and rebasing
  • The temporary repatriation facility
  • Planning for the new regime - what should be done?

Previous attendee

An excellent use of time. I don't think you'd find a greater wealth of knowledge regarding tax law in the whole of London!