Private Debt Masterclass
Master the latest techniques to control and manage private debt - A two-day practical training course

Sign up now for Private Debt Masterclass training course
Key to Private Debt's success has been and will continue to be, its ability to offer LPs low volatility and fixed-income returns above the public markets. Furthermore, it has been extensively used beyond the pure 'for-profit motive' as a tool to encourage development initiatives.
A recent study found that private debt or fixed-income instruments are the largest asset class in impact investing. Join IFF in London to explore the intricacies of private debt, learn how to overcome challenges, and, most importantly, benefit from the increasing opportunities.
Learn how to
- Examine debt valuation and the applied principles
- Assess structuring issues for private debt funds
- Examine the private debt investment process and form your own strategy
- Explore the significance of Environmental, Social and (corporate) Governance (ESG)
Case studies and practical sessions
- Calculation of the yield to maturity for different scenarios to assess the implications and potential
- Real-life examples of impact investment initiatives, e.g. Energy Access Debt Fund
- Real-life examples of venture debt, e.g. EIB funding new ways to treat cancer
Why choose IFF?
- TRACK RECORD – we have over 30 years of experience in providing training to the banking, finance and energy sectors
- KNOWLEDGE – all of our trainers are highly experienced practitioners and leading subject matter experts
- VALUE – we provide a practical training experience with skills that can be used immediately
Run this course in-house
International Faculty of Finance's customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.
CPD certified
Engaging in continuous professional development ensures that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete; allowing individuals to up-skill or re-skill, regardless of occupation, age or educational level.This course has been assessed and is CPD certified.
Proud to partner
IFF is the official learning partner of SuperReturn, the world's leading private capital event series.