Project Finance
Explore strategies and techniques for successful project financing

Sign up for our Project Finance training course
Obtain a thorough grounding in the techniques of limited-recourse project financing when applied to a range of capital-intensive industries.
Learn how to
- Analyse why and when sponsors use project financing techniques
- Use the latest project finance techniques and jargon
- Examine of the key sources of limited-recourse debt
- Appreciate the lender’s approach to risk
- Understand how key risk factors drive structure and loan pricing
Case studies and practical sessions
- Risk identification and using IMAAA
- Prepare your bid
- Review a term sheet based on an earlier case study
- Negotiate the term sheet from the perspective of either the lenders and borrowers
- Review of the A1 motorway project in Germany
Why choose IFF?
- TRACK RECORD – we have over 30 years of experience in providing training to the banking, finance and energy sectors
- KNOWLEDGE – all of our trainers are highly experienced practitioners and leading subject matter experts
- VALUE – we provide a practical training experience with skills that can be used immediately
Run this course in-house
International Faculty of Finance's customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.
CPD certified
Engaging in Continuing Professional Development ensures that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete; allowing individuals to continually ‘up skill’ or ‘re-skill’, regardless of occupation, age or educational level. This course has been assessed and is CPD certified.