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NORM & Natural Radiation Management Conference North America
22 - 24 October 2024
Houston TX
22 - 24 October 2024
Houston TX

Scientific Insights into NORM Affected Industries in North America

The only event in North America dedicated to NORM, TENORM and radioactive waste in oil & gas, mining, water and other industries designed by acknowledged industry experts, NORM regulators, operators and waste solution providers.

Attendee Numbers at NORM







Oil & Gas Companies

Continuing Education Credits

The American Board of Health Physicists has approved the conference for 20 continuing education units.

Licensed engineers and geoscientists will receive a certificate of attendance for professional development hours in compliance with the rules of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists.


Compliance, Opportunity, Risk and Ethics in NORM Management

Regulatory Aspects in NORM/TENORM Activities in the USA

Canadian Guidelines for the Management of NORM

IAEA Update on the Initial Operation of ISEMIR-N

TENORM Related Radiation Safety Program Audits

NORM Decontamination and Decommissioning in Oil & Gas

Packaging, Labeling and Requirements for NORM shipment

TENORM issues in the Oil and Gas Industry

Planning for NORM Before and During Decommissioning

CRCPD SSR-N Draft Regulations for TENORM

Monitoring Radon & Indoor Air Quality

NORM Liability and Litigation


NORM & Natural Radiation Management Conference North America is a CPD-certified event. Earn up to 24 CPD points by joining us!

For further information on CPD accreditation please visit: